6 ways to make your recruitment budget go further with Prime Aviation
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Marcus Sheen

Prime Aviation is our new membership scheme, where job advertisers get access to discounts, free benefits and more with an affordable £27.99 monthly subscription that they can cancel anytime after an initial six month period. Here’s just some of the ways you can save on your recruitment budget with Prime Aviation.
You save with free CV downloads
CV Discovery is already great value. We give you free access to browse hundreds of thousands of aviation candidates for free so that you can make informed decisions about which candidates to shortlist and CVs to download.
But with Prime Aviation, you get 20 free CV download credits as soon as you sign up, and you unlock 20 more every month during your membership. With these, you can download the candidate’s full CV to your computer or device, and access their contact details so you can make the first move while also reducing recruitment costs.
As with job credits, you can use them immediately, or you can let them build up.
Save by scaling up your recruitment only when you need to
Cost effective recruitment strategies mean you should only pay for what you need, when you need. Prime Aviation makes it easy for you to quickly scale your recruitment efforts up and down. If you are expanding quickly or have unexpected vacancies to fill, you can immediately respond by scaling up your recruitment advertising there and then.
If you need job adverts or CV downloads, our secure self-service checkout means you can do this quickly without worrying about calling your account manager or waiting for a reply so that you can make sure those vacancies are filled fast.
The good thing about this is that you don’t have to waste money locking yourself into a certain amount of ads before time. Just become a member and buy them whenever you need to for half the price.
Save 50% on all our aviation recruitment products
For those who ask how to reduce recruitment costs, we have products to suit every budget and every kind of recruiter. Whether you’re after traditional job board products such as Post a Job or CV Discovery, or something different like Social Takeovers, you get access to all our products for half price.
With 50% off, if you need to scale up your recruitment efforts quickly with more job posts, you can. But you can also trial products you might not normally be able to stretch to, meaning you can finally pit yourself against bigger companies and airlines for a lot less money than you think.
Save by pausing your membership whenever you need to
We wanted to do away with contracts where you have to commit to a certain amount of job adverts in a year. With Prime Aviation you subscribe and, like a Netflix subscription, can cancel whenever you want (after an initial six month period).
In just the six months alone you would have unlocked job ads worth nearly £1000, plus 120 CV download credits.
Save by spreading the cost
We wanted to make Prime Aviation a no-brainer, and we think the low £27.99 membership fee achieves that. Normally posting a single job advert would cost £749, although the more you advertise, the more you save.
However with Prime Aviation, it costs just £27.99 every month. You unlock free advertising, free CV downloads and discounts on top of that making it by far the most affordable way to recruit.
Many recruiters ask how to reduce cost per hire, and Prime Aviation is our answer.
Save with our reduced Prime Aviation membership fee
Prime Aviation is a new product, and one of the things our clients wanted from it was to save more on their recruitment purchases. So we have made it even easier to do this by lowering our monthly membership from £100 to just £27.99 so that recruiters can reinvest the money they save every month into recruitment purchases such as additional ads, Response Boosters or Targeted Emails. In just one month, you would save enough to boost two job ads, in two months you'd save enough to get 50 more CV downloads, while in just six months you've saved enough to email 110,000 active email subscribers with a Targeted Email.
About Aviation Job Search
Specialising in aviation recruitment, we give airlines and companies the tools to connect with aviation professionals so they can grow. Find out how we can help you today.