How to use social media to attract a new generation of talent
Friday, July 28, 2023

In today’s recruitment market, it’s more important than ever to showcase your business to potential employees and demonstrate why your company is a place they should want to work. In fact, in a recent survey by Aviation Job Search, over 55% of respondents said they would search for in-depth information such as insights from current employees in a similar role, before deciding whether to apply for a vacancy.
One way of ensuring your business really stands out to aviation professionals is by undertaking a Social Takeover. This is an increasingly popular practice which consists of a company, individual or organisation temporarily taking over the social media platforms of another company, in order to reach an audience of new followers. Here are some of the main benefits that a social takeover can bring:
1. Target a brand new audience
A social takeover enables you to instantly reach an audience outside of your existing pool of social followers, meaning you’re able to promote your business and raise brand awareness amongst potential future employees or even potential customers. By conducting a takeover of a platform within your own industry such as Aviation Job Search, you know that the audience you’re reaching is relevant and engaged in the aviation industry.
2. It’s completely dedicated to you
A social takeover is your opportunity to take the spotlight for a whole 24 hours. Only one company is able to feature on any given day, meaning that you’re not competing with anyone else; the platform is totally dedicated to you and whatever you want to share. This is an opportunity to really capture people’s attention!
3. It’s measurable
Another benefit is that you’re able to measure the results of your takeover. Whether you’re measuring traffic and/or conversions to your website that have come directly from the takeover, or monitoring followers and engagement on your own social platforms to see how it’s impacted your general brand awareness, there are several metrics you can keep an eye on in order to measure your takeover’s success.
4. Take control of what you want to share
With your takeover, it’s completely up to you what you would like to promote. Whether you’re actively hiring at the moment and looking to directly attract applicants to your roles; promoting an upcoming event, such as an open day or training course; or whether you’d simply like to promote your services and showcase your business to raise brand awareness, it’s totally your choice as to what to include in your takeover.
5. It’s what candidates want to see!
As mentioned earlier, if you’re looking to attract candidates to your vacancies, it’s essential to showcase who you are as a business and why you’re a great place to work. There are plenty of ways you can approach this during a social takeover; for example, creating behind-the-scenes videos showing what day-to-day life is like at the company; conducting case studies or interviews with your existing employees sharing how they progressed into their roles; or creating engaging infographics sharing key information about what benefits your employees can expect to receive.
Stay tuned to learn more about how we’re working with social takeovers here at Aviation Job Search in the near future.
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Specialising in aviation recruitment, we give airlines and companies the tools to connect with aviation professionals so they can grow. Find out how we can help you today.